Occasionally, I like to go through the archives of what I've written over the years. It's an interesting exercise. Sometimes, it throws up how much my thinking has changed as a result of some fairly fundamental societal shifts. The Covid lockdowns being one of those shifts. At other times, it throws up pieces that I'd still broadly stand by. The piece reproduced below which dates from when we were still living and operating back in Essex is one of those I would still stand by.
Back in those days, we were involved in a number of grassroots community projects. Some of those were a bit of a learning curve to put it mildly! Those experiences prompted us to write this rant, originally published in October 2021 and reposted here a few days ago: Our terms and conditions for helping out other groups and projects… 2.12.24.
There is a bit of a caveat in that since we've moved down to Keynsham (a town between Bath and Bristol) our mode of operation has changed a fair bit in that for a variety of reasons, we currently don't have the presence on the council estates that we would like. However, should anyone on any of the estates in the south of Keynsham be interested in working with us, we’d be delighted to help out:)
This piece was first published on the now archived South Essex Heckler on May 6, 2019.
In an age of rampant neo-liberalism, society is ever more fractured and polarised. Precarious employment conditions are dumping more people on zero hours and short term contracts. Solidarity in the workplace is under attack. An increase in buy to let and homes of multiple occupation means community solidarity in our neighbourhoods is crumbling as people move in and out on short term lets, not staying long enough to generate a sense of belonging.
People are focused on just surviving in a dog eat dog world, becoming ever more individualistic, less inclined to favour collective solutions and unwittingly doing the bidding of the neo-liberal elite. People on the estates feel they’ve been thrown under the bus and have lost faith in the political system. This is reflected in low voter registration and turn outs at local and national elections. This creates a political vacuum which the far right are only too happy to fill. Our presence at the grassroots on the estates is part of the strategy to fend off the far right.
Radical change needs the willing participation of the working class. There has to be a base at the grassroots in our neighbourhoods as well as our workplaces and colleges. The challenge of re-building solidarity in the workplace is being met by the rise of militant, new wave unions such as the United Voices of the World Union to whom we offer our unconditional solidarity. As community activists, our focus of operation is the neighbourhoods we live in.
Working at the level of the estates, our task is to do whatever is needed to empower people. Our ultimate aim is to give life to the old Independent Working Class Association slogan: Working Class Rule In Working Class Areas. This is easy to say – putting it into practice is a hard slog where we’re constantly learning lessons from our experiences and using them to alter and refine our approach. We can’t afford to stick to a rigid dogma – we have to be flexible and pragmatic.
Our ultimate goal is political, social and economic revolution, initiated by an empowered, progressive working class. It’s a case of nurturing different strands, bringing them together and picking up momentum along the way. This means starting off with easily attainable goals and moving on from there. The process involves a range of tactics from facilitating residents in lobbying the council to practical actions that improve conditions on the estates.
In facilitating the lobbying of councils, purist anarchists may see us as little more than a neighbourhood pressure group. We’re not and here’s why. The key is the word facilitating. We facilitate the Vange Hill Community Group, based in Basildon, by offering support, advice and logistical backing when necessary. When lobbying pays off, it empowers those involved to not just carry on but also to become more ambitious in their demands.
Then there’s the direct action. In the case of the Vange Hill estate, it’s a combination of community clean ups and guerilla gardening. With the community clean ups there’s some degree of co-operation with Basildon Council in that we’ll tell them we’re having one, there will be sacks of rubbish and other bulkier items for them to collect when we’ve done and generally that’s what they do. When it comes to the guerilla gardening on the estate, we just get on with it and don’t even think about asking for permission.
As this proceeds and the barriers to what can be squeezed out of a council are hit, we use our propaganda to place in context what most people instinctively understand about the limits of the state in an age of permanent austerity.
If we want to change the world, we have to move out of our comfort zones and work with those who don’t agree with us. We need to be able to convince people that radical change is not only desirable but possible too. Just working with and writing for those who agree with us won’t help. We need to be there as part of the solution to the problems on the estates and in the workplace, whether this is dealing with fly-tipping or supporting a group of workers in a struggle for union recognition.
Empowering people to become more ambitious in their demands and aspirations is a step by step process. We’re in it for the long haul. The hope is that what we do on the estates where we have a presence a) inspires more people to get involved and b) inspires people on other estates to start doing the same. There will come a point when barriers will be hit as the authorities refuse to relinquish any more power. The hope is when this point is reached, people are politicised enough to push things forward in taking on the powers that be and start fighting for real change.
To conclude, I know I keep banging on about it but, this is what we're trying to do with this At the Grassroots project when it comes to promoting practical grassroots initiatives that actually get things done:
In The Directory there’s a list of all the grassroots community projects across Bath, Bristol and the surrounding settlements that we’re currently aware of who, each in their own way, are doing their best to make the world a better place to live in. These include a fair number of food growing projects and also, resources on how to organise your own project.
The Directory is a work in progress that is constantly being added to. Any help in doing this or suggestions as to how we can improve The Directory will be greatly appreciated:) Each of these projects has a different story and background we can all learn from. One of the aims of setting up At the Grassroots is to encourage these groups to talk to each other to exchange experiences, ideas and skills with the hope that what emerges is considerably greater than the sum of its parts.