With this page - The Directory - we're doing what we can to promote grassroots projects across the Avon region. We're going to be putting up a number of posts featuring various sections of The Directory. The hope is that people will come on board with helping to grow and maintain this resource.
What we want to do with this particular post is draw attention to food growing and distribution related initiatives. As you can probably tell from looking at the posts on this blog, we are very much into community food growing and more broadly, localising food production as far as possible.
One reason we do this is based on the premise that whoever controls the food supply, controls the population. We want to make sure it's us, the people, who are in control, not the corporations and governments who do not have our interests at heart. Another reason is that grassroots food growing and distribution projects play a vital role in boosting neighbourhood solidarity and cohesion, something that in these troubled times is vital.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive resource, it's very much a work in progress. So, if you're in the Avon region and you're involved with a neighbourhood level food growing or distribution project and it's not on the list below, please get in touch with us with the relevant details and we'll add your project to this directory.
Community gardens, city farms, organic gardening & food
Alice Park Community Garden (Bath)
Bath Allotments Association - Facebook
Bath Community Kitchen - Facebook
Bath & North East Somerset Allotments Association
Transition Bath - Community Growing
Blaise Community Garden - Facebook
Bristol Area City Farms and Community Gardens (PDF)
Inns Court Kitchen & Wildlife Garden
Let’s Grow Community Allotment (Knowle)
Royate Hill Community Orchard - Facebook
Sims Hill Shared Harvest - Facebook
The Golden Hill Community Garden (Horfield)
Keynsham Community Fridge - Facebook
Keynsham Community Veg Plot in the Park - Facebook
Somerdale Shed and Community Garden
Somerdale Shed and Community Garden - Facebook